Becoming a growing church is a post about the how to of church growth in a biblical sense.
Why we should go to a plural eldership?
Why we should go to a plural eldership? (for pastors)
Topic: plural eldership
by David Cox 1998
When we look at the local church, many typically have a single pastor which does the majority of the preaching, teaching, and administration of the local church. There are usually a small group of men who are called deacons who approve the financial affairs of the local church. The attitude of our typical local church is one that would be summed up in the following, “we pay the pastor to do the work of the ministry, so why should we get involved?” The exception is that of finances, but other than that and some Sunday School classes, most of the work of the ministry is laid on the shoulders of one man, the pastor.
Few Outwardly Focused Ministries
Few Outwardly Focused Ministries
Few Outwardly Focused Ministries
By David Cox
Issues between Covid and Church
Issues between Covid and Church is an opinion piece by Pastor-Missionary David Cox missionary in Mexico City. Viewing essential issues in church as affected by Corona Virus.
Church Advertisement that Works
By Pastor-Missionary David Cox
I would like to just put out there my own experiences about promoting a local church and church growth. I am not trying to sell you any plan or advertising thing where you pay money for it, just reasoning some with you so that you consider what God has said about promoting the church.
I am a Fundamental Baptist Missionary serving our Lord in Mexico City Mexico. I have been working here since 1986, and I have a local church, and we go out every Saturday giving out literature and witnessing in the street.