Church attendance Getting Mad is an article on when people get mad and just stay home. This works against solving their problems not in favor of resolving them.
Critical Issues
Why are Missions declining?
Why are Missions declining? by a missionary/pastor on the foreign mission field discusses why are Missions declining? This article investigates the decline in missions in American Christianity. This greatly important topic is just not addressed in most circles of Christianity. They deal with it lightly but never get to the essentials of what is going on and how to turn it around.
Losing People isn’t Always a Bad Thing
Losing People isn’t Always a Bad Thing looks at the issue from another point of view in which it is not so bad.
Why People leave your church
Why People leave your church is my thoughts on why people leave your church. I also have added points on this topic that other people have made as to this same topic (links at the bottom). I am going to categorize these into more logical “groups” to try to direct our discussion. I will admit to both sides of this issue. First, you should not leave your church for just any reason. There should be loyalty to your church organization and to your pastoral team. Loyalty to your church organization is seen in weekly attendance, your participation, and your weekly tithing and giving above and beyond the tithe, especially when there are special needs. Your loyalty to your pastoral staff is seen by showing up early for the service and being ready. That is having slept sufficiently that you will be awake through the whole sermon, and if need be, having drunk 2-5 cups of coffee. Also, that you have eaten something so that hunger does not distract you or your family from the activities and teachings.
The Non-Applying of the Scriptures
By David Cox
Summary: I examine the tendency that I see in some preachers to not apply Scripture, just talk about it, explain it, and leave it at that. An application of Scripture means making it very clear how the scriptural principles involved are applied to the believers’ lives.