Ministerial Success is an article about our goals as preachers and ministers of God. What should a man of God consider as success? What, then, is success in the ministry? Do we need to tell them constantly how much better we are than the rest? Ministerial Success is something that defines your philosophy of the ministry. What really is ministerial success?
Critical Issues
Keeping your Focus Clean
Keeping your Focus Clean is an essay about distinguishing between bad and good people in the church setting.
Reasons for Church Decline
Reasons for Church Decline is about churches are in decline across America and the world. The big question is why, and the even bigger question is how do we fix what is causing this? I am reacting to a post I read on the Internet. I didn’t bookmark it, sorry.
Messianic Insurance
Messianic Insurance
Insurance is our Savior
Summary: In this article, we discuss how Insurance, in general, has taken the place of turning to God and asking for his help and protection and provision.
What was the beginning concept in the birth of insurance? For example house insurance, in the case of a fire? Simply put, you pay a small amount each month, and if your house is destroyed, then the insurance will replace your house. Life insurance came into play when people earned money, but could not save up sufficient money to take care of their family if the wage earner was to die. Car insurance did the same thing, replace the car.
Solution I just won’t Go to Church
Solution I just won’t Go to Church I treat this position some people take towards church with some principles from the Word of God.