7 Deadly sins of speaking
This is taken from a TEDS talk.
In this post, 7 Deadly sins of speaking, a reminder of some “sins” common among speakers. Don’t do these!
Starting and leading a local church
This is taken from a TEDS talk.
In this post, 7 Deadly sins of speaking, a reminder of some “sins” common among speakers. Don’t do these!
This Bible study on handling Gossip discusses Gossip in the light of what the Bible commands about it.
Pastor Family Requirement is an examination on why and what of that requirement in 1 Timothy 3 that the pastor has to be a family man.
Study the Bible before Other Books is an article about the priority and order of Bible Study, Sermon Preparation, etc. Always start with the Bible.
How to read a Christian Book as a student of Scripture, how to read, analyze, and understand a Christian Reference Book on some biblical topic. You may think that this is a silly topic, everybody that knows how to read and write can read a book. But as a student of Scripture preparing sermons and Bible classes, this is not true. You need to know how to get into a book, quickly find what you need, and then extract it and go on with your studies.