The Problem of No Church Unity describes how to get church unity even though there is great conflict within the church.
Why people stay in your church
Why people stay in your church is a article by Pastor David Cox who is a missionary in Mexico and has pastored for 35+ years on his observations over the years. In this article, I want to focus on why people stay in a church.
Attraction Factors for your Church Visitors
Attraction Factors for your Church Visitors is an article about what factors bring people to your church to stay and be part of things. I will look at positive and negative attraction factors. Please also read this post, Why people stay in your church.
Ministerial Covetousness
I have written a new tract on the Christian and his money, which I highly recommend that everyone read. In this tract, I examine what the Bible says the Christian’s attitude towards money should be.
Finding and contacting good potential candidates
Finding and contacting good potential candidates
Here some people would recommend going to your favorite Christian college first. I recommend against that as a first step. The first step should be looking inside your church before looking outside your church. By this I mean that the first choice for interviews should be your own church staff. I would recommend that you interview all the other pastors and assistant pastors and any “retired” pastors in the church membership. There may be good reasons why you do not want to interview or consider some of them, but they should be all examined by the Pulpit Committee before discarding them or going on the next steps.