Things that ruin a Church: Dominating, Controlling, Manipulating Dictator-Pastor is a study on the destructive types of leadership styles that are spiritually counter productive to a nurturing spiritual environment that one needs in order to grow spiritually.
Warning Signs Bad Pastor revised#2
This is a study on what to look for in choosing a new pastor, (candidating pastors) or evaluating a pastor
Pastors Living in the Fish Bowl
Pastors Living in the Fish Bowl According to the Bible, Pastors are to be examples of Jesus Christ for the rest of the brethren. I look at problems with this.
Why Americans are leaving their churches
Why Americans are leaving their churches is a post with some considerations about what is wrong with our churches in this modern day.
See the article Why Americans are leaving their churches
Top Issues Church Planters Face #1
Summary: This article on Top Issues Church Planters Face discusses some issue found in a Christianity Today article.
In this post, I am commenting on several websites on church planting that I have seen.