Verses for Witnessing (Notes)
Verses for Witnessing Notes is a help study for soul winners in their evangelistic efforts.
First of all, we need to limit ourselves to the Scriptures. We can neither leave out anything the Scripture includes, nor can we minimize it, nor can we add things the Scriptures do not include in salvation. Here I will try to justify each point of these points. Note that I do not explain or mean each sub point with each person I witness to. Depending on their background and how God leads me with that person I focus on certain aspects and leave others alone. For Catholics, works salvation and not believing in Mary are important. For Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses the deity of Christ and works salvation are key elements. Others bring in other aspects.
Church Growth Goals
How to Grow a Church
Church Growth Goals
Church Growth Goals
By Pastor-Missionary David Cox
We begin this series with defining Church Growth Goals. What it is not, and what it should be.
Messianic Insurance
Messianic Insurance
Insurance is our Savior
Summary: In this article, we discuss how Insurance, in general, has taken the place of turning to God and asking for his help and protection and provision.
What was the beginning concept in the birth of insurance? For example house insurance, in the case of a fire? Simply put, you pay a small amount each month, and if your house is destroyed, then the insurance will replace your house. Life insurance came into play when people earned money, but could not save up sufficient money to take care of their family if the wage earner was to die. Car insurance did the same thing, replace the car.
Solution I just won’t Go to Church
Solution I just won’t Go to Church I treat this position some people take towards church with some principles from the Word of God.