Solution I just won’t Go to Church I treat this position some people take towards church with some principles from the Word of God.
Grouchy Old Pastors
Grouchy Old Pastors is an article about Grouchy old pastors and why they are that way and how to fix this problem.
Irrelevant Churches
Irrelevant Churches
Irrelevant Churches: Church’s Failure to be Relevant
By David Cox – Irrelevant Churches
Ministry Leadership
Ministry Leadership
Ministry Leadership
By David Cox
These are some my brief observations about ministry leadership. If I would have known these before beginning my ministry, it would have been a great help to me.
Emergent Church opposes Christianity
Emergent Church opposes Christianity
By Pastor Missionary David Cox
As I have been visiting new churches trying to raise more support for our ministry, something is wrong. Seems every time I have had to return and do more deputation to raise more money, I have to “remake myself”. I do this by by analyzing what I am, what I am called to do, and putting that forth to churches to try to get them interested in me. It has been a difficult thing over my entire ministry and life. It never gets easy it seems.
But this time, things are very different. Nobody is interested it seems. As I analyze this, I am finding that things are worse than I had ever imagined. One thing is that I am not very “appeasing” to people, but what I am finding is shocking and highly discouraging…