What is a biblical New Testament Church? There is a principle that says, you cannot hit a target if you don’t know what it is. Simply put, we as “church” cannot be “church” if we don’t have a firm concept of what “being the church” consists of. I read works by people who attack and are antagonistic to the traditional church (mostly negativism), and those who would transform it into something else.
Fixing a Ruined Church
Fixing a Ruined Church is an article and suggestions on how to fix a ruined, sick church by getting back to the basics of what a church is and should be.
I read an article named, 4 Starter Ideas for the Care and Treatment of an Unhealthy Church (a good article by the way), and in it, it mentions some tips on how to “treat” the patient of an unhealthy church. From that general idea I want to expand on some of my thoughts of that post.
Helps for Pulpit Committees (Introduction)
Helps for Pulpit Committees
by Pastor/Missionary David Cox
Hello, I suppose you are reading this because your church is without a pastor or is looking for a new pastor, and you have some kind of interest or obligation in finding the new pastor. This work is to help you get your head screwed on straight about the process and concisely help you. Here I will try to be brief, but the subject matter needs to be studied intensively before the process begins, and if the process is already in progress, the members of the Pulpit Committee need to really study this material to guide them into a man which honors God and is God’s will for your church.
You should separate (1) what has happened in the past in your church, from (2) what is the new minister coming into your church. Do not project what problems you had with past ministers into your new pastor, nor should you ignore what you should have learned from those bad experiences.
Sermon creation, How to…
Sermon creation, How to… is a list of some helps on the creation of sermons, or sermon crafting.
Setting your Sermon Length
Setting your Sermon Length is a helpful article on how to calculate how long your sermon will last as a best guess.