Is the Pastor Important? Is he Biblical?

Is the Pastor Important? Is he Biblical?

Is the Pastor Important? Is he Biblical? examines the concept of Pastor in Scripture. I defend that the Pastor is a biblical ministry, and that he is central.

I read this post “The Man of God” by Steve Van Nattan, and I greatly disagree with this person’s point of view. For example, he says…

Now, what about your pastor, and the deacons or elders in your local church? Just because a man can shell the corn and get some things right from the King James Bible does NOT mean he is a “man of God.”

So, is a pastor a MAN OF GOD?

Fundamentalists have an exalted view of pastors. The word “pastor” is only used once in the New Testament, and it is never formally defined. The offices of a bishop, elder, and the deacon’s office are well defined, but nowhere is the title “pastor” listed with the other offices. In fact, based on rules of interpretation, the pastor in the local church is not of any special consideration except as a shepherd to feed sheep. “Pastor” is the English equivalent of the Greek word for “shepherd.”

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What is Ministerial Success?

Ministerial Success is an article about our goals as preachers and ministers of God. What should a man of God consider as success? What, then, is success in the ministry? Do we need to tell them constantly how much better we are than the rest? Ministerial Success is something that defines your philosophy of the ministry. What really is ministerial success?

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Apostate spies and traitors 1

In our understanding of what is an apostate, an apostate is a person who fully knows the truth such as to be saved, and even though knowing that truth, they turn from it.

Apostate spies” in my opinion are those people who whether knowingly sent by some other religious faith, or just on a curiousity adventure come into our church, and then leaves us. 

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Biblical NT Church: Service Elements

I must repeat, and insist that God has given us the precept of “Church,” and we are not at liberty to set what God has given us aside to do some other thing we want to do. If we examine the New Testament, we see what a church is, and we see it functioning quite well. (“Well” in the sense that the NT church does what God wants it to do. We have no right to insert our desires and purposes into what is God’s work.) A typical church in the New Testament has various service elements which we would do well to understand and imitate. As this series goes on, we will come back to these service elements and re-examine them and meditate on them. For now, we start by defining the Service Elements briefly.

Click on tag: Church-Definition to see the entire series.

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